Asthi Sandhanak Syrup


Asthi Sandhanak Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicinal liquid prepared from pure guggul, pure shilajeet, Mahavata Vidhvamsana rasa & Vata shamak medicines. It helps with fractures, joint pain, chronic arthritis, vatic pain, ankle joint discomfort, and bone inflammation, among other things. Bones that have been shattered or are weak are strengthened. Increases blood circulation in veins and bones, making bones natural and lively.

This Ayurveda Asthi Sandhanak Syrup has the perfect combination of natural ingredients. Each 10ml Asthi Sandhanak Syrup contains Aqueous extract of Dashamool, Acorus Calamus

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Asthi Sandhanak Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicinal liquid prepared from pure guggul, pure shilajeet, Mahavata Vidhvamsana rasa & Vata shamak medicines. It helps with fractures, joint pain, chronic arthritis, vatic pain, ankle joint discomfort, and bone inflammation, among other things. Bones that have been shattered or are weak are strengthened. Increases blood circulation in veins and bones, making bones natural and lively.

This Ayurveda Asthi Sandhanak Syrup has the perfect combination of natural ingredients. Each 10ml Asthi Sandhanak Syrup contains Aqueous extract of Dashamool, Acorus Calamus, Tribulus Terrestris, (Gokharu), Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha), Pluchea Lanceolata (Rasna), Strychnos nuxvomica, (Shuddha Kauchala), Mesua Ferrea (Nagakeshar), Asparagus Racemosus (Statavari), Argyreia Speciosa (Vidhara), Argyreia Speciosa (VIDHARA), Adhatoda Vasica (Vasa), Boerhavia Diffusa(Punarnava), Commiphora Mukul (Pure Guggulu), Solanum Surattense (Kantakari), Berberis Aristata (Daruharidra), Ricinus Communis (Erandamool), Cassia Fistula (Amalatas), Tinospora Cordifolia (Guduchi), Zingiber Officinale (Shunti), Vitex Negundo (Nirgundi), Asphaltum Punjabinum, (Pure Shilajee), Mahavatavidvamsana Rasa, Preservative (S. Benzoat) Colour, Sugar & Flavoured syrupy Base.

The chronic Arthritis Relieving Formula in Asthi Sandhanak Syrup helps to lessen Vatik pain and inflammation. Its slogan is “Strengthen cracked and weak bones,” and it is a potent swelling and joint pain reliever supplemented with dashmool, ashwagandha, shhilajeet, and other herbs.

There have been no reports of Asthi Sandhanak Syrup’s side effects in the medical literature. Before using Asthi Sandhanak Syrup, however, you should always check your doctor. Before you use it, make sure you read the label thoroughly. Keep out of reach of youngsters and store in a dry, cool location.

Asthi Sandhanak Syrup is taken twice or thrice a day in 5 to 10 ml in a day, preferably with milk or hot water.


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