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Giloy Rasa


  • It is an ayurvedic medicine.
  • Giloy is a famous ayurvedic herb.  It is extensively used to cure different diseases. It is famously known immune modulator herb which is used to improve auto immunity.

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  • It is an ayurvedic medicine.
  • Giloy is a famous ayurvedic herb.  It is extensively used to cure different diseases. It is famously known immune modulator herb which is used to improve auto immunity.


  • It is containing high amount of anti-oxidant in it.
  • It contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc and magnesium.
  • It is composed of Giloy mainly.


It has many benefits and it gives cure to many problems such as,

  • It is used to cure fever.
  • It gives relief from urinary tract disorders.
  • It cures anemia
  • It also treats jaundice
  • It gives relief from asthma and cardiac disorders.
  • It has got wound healing property in it.

Side effects:

  • If you’re not using it under medical supervision then there would be side effects.
  • If you’re taking excessive amount of it then can cause constipation.
  • It can reduce your blood sugar level
  • It can be hazardous for the health of pregnant women.



It is recommended to use two times in a day. It can be used in 2/3 months continuously.


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Additional information
  • It is an ayurvedic medicine.
  • Giloy is a famous ayurvedic herb.  It is extensively used to cure different diseases. It is famously known immune modulator herb which is used to improve auto immunity.

Asthalin-X Syrup is an oral medicine that comes in the form of a syrup and is used to treat productive cough. It dissolves thick mucus in the airways and helps to cough up mucus produced in the chest easier. It relieves symptoms produced by bronchospasm in bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and other conditions such as wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, breathing difficulty, coughing, and so on.

The main ingredients needed to make each 10 ml. of Asthalin-X Syrup are Tulsi, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Vasa (Adhatoda vasika), Kantkari (Solanum surattense), Talispatra etc.

Maharshi Badri offers Body Massage Oil, which aids in the treatment of a variety of diseases. It is quite effective at providing immediate relief from joint and body discomfort. It provides immediate relief from the Vata dosha. Helpful in the treatment of complications caused by paralysis and weakness.

This herbal Body Massage Oil was chosen for its unique physiological benefits and its ability to balance the skin's properties depending on the season. One of the most important strategies to preserve and promote health is to practice this Ayurvedic massage daily.

Asthamin Forte Syrup is commonly used for the diagnosis or treatment of abnormal hardening of body tissue, adhd, acne. It has some side effects such as Allergic reaction, Allergic rejection, Allergic reactions, Abdominal cramps. Asthamin Forte Syrup includes critical vitamins A, C, and E, which perform a variety of important roles in the body and assist to preserve overall health and vigor. Provides critical B-vitamins, which are crucial for cardiovascular health and energy synthesis, as well as amino acid functions. It improves shortness of breath, aids in allergic bronchitis, and prevents complications from smoking.

Amlaki is unquestionably a nutrient powerhouse. It is available in a variety of forms on the market, including raw Amalaki, Amalaki gel, and Amalaki Powder. Amla Powder is used to make Amla Churna. It is the purest form of Vitamin C, which nourishes you by strengthening and thickening your blood vessels.
  • Heals Gastric & Intestinal Ulcer
  • Relieves Hyper Acidity
  • Calms Nausea And Vomiting
  • Improves Peristatic Movements
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